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crossing concepts of body and time, observation focuses on methods of discovery, collection, documentation

‘The Loop’ for me is actually in the same way a release of my inner nervousness and intenseness; at the same time it transformed the negative energy to a positive one.

the loop
Sihang Wang

I am aiming to encourage people to discover more the perspectives about observing your surroundings and push forward the relationships with your neighborhood by generating the conversations between people who live in the same area.

zoom in and out
Wan-Yu Liu

Dead Time is the interlude between human and time. It is the moment when I lose my sense of being as I think time runs faster than expected.
I don't seem to exist during the dead time because nothing is recorded and none is left.

dead time
Miaoxin Yang

It's a short brief of the break in our mental thought. There are so many choices in life that changed our story. During the brief pause in the brain, we may have made countless choices, the short second gap in mind may influence the track of the pathway.

Nacho Qianni Gong
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