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We are Off-Focus.

Working as DesignPoets,

we use interludes to expose peripheries;

unstable, shifting, ill-defined,

yet affectively singular.

context without story
connection through separation
movement in the stillness
gathering up tension
instinctual gravitation
DesignPoet:a practitioner of reflective research distillation. 

Combining generative design processes with reflective poetic response, this method utilizes the ‘happenstance’ intervals that occur when oscillating from one process to the other, to nuance/redirect/open up design and poetic discourses.

This method tries to intentionally and systematically investigate the peripheral contexts of a research subject in order to better understand the main focus .

Interludes in the Wild

break in a flow, an  abberation of pattern 

separation without  barriers 

rationality against the  enormity of emptiness?

do skyscrapers make   sense of the sky? 

framing devices, just  passing through 

only meaningful  through movement 

understanding through  distinction, separation 

gaps, fissures, the  spaces in between 

Introduction to a Process

Project Brief

Forget about all the expectations of and standard definitions of interludes. Find your own interlude. Determine your meaning of interlude. Design an iteration of your concept.

Suggestions of Methodology

Find a space, object, sense, and method that speaks 
to you. Collect information that you can engage with 
and find things interesting to you in that information. 
Remixing and making stuff from that information.
Find ways to collect. Gather knowledge from those methods of collection. Using that raw bulk of information, distill the information into something else. 
Generate new questions. Ask yourself those new questions to find answers as to what an interlude is to you. Individually trying to find the answer to what an interlude is by asking others, working constantly collaboratively, using other people as tools. At the end, be able to explain your concept to someone who is totally unfamiliar with your process.

Questions to Consider

Does a person have to perceive the interlude as such in order for it to count as an interlude?

How do perception and awareness affect the interlude?

What is the relationship between the interlude and the main event?

What is the physicality of an interlude? 

Can everything be an interlude?

Exposing Peripheries | Documenting A Collective Process

Collective Manual

20 students from MA Design: Expanded Practice completed this brief, each discovering their own process for defining and utilizing their unique concepts of 'interlude.' These methods are compiled here into a four-part Interlude Manual.
The collective manual seeks to:






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Interludes Manual | March 2019 Exhibit 

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